My life is about to drastically change…

I am in Prescott for what is my last trip driving out here for the foreseeable future. I say that but really that is only true if everything goes as planned. 

Eight months ago I packed up and moved back to California. I feel like my life has been on a fast track ever since then. Let’s be real… more like the last 2 years but the train always speeds up as it goes further down the tracks.

There is A LOT that I have not shared openly about. Mostly for fear of failure in the public eye. 

But I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately and made a few realizations.

The biggest being that I was not put on this planet to quietly go about my life on my own. I know deep down in my core that I was created to share openly, publicly even, so that others who may see themselves in me, or the former version of me, have the courage to keep going. 

My “career” has morphed and changed massively over the past few years. There have been changes made out of necessity, and things that didn’t work out. The biggest most significant change was when I left a high-paying, secure position in the corporate world to join women’s ministry, something that provided fulfillment on a soul level rather than my bank account. This was a change of necessity. I was broken, had completely lost myself, was miserable, and was more alone than I thought possible. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t take this giant leap of faith. The courage to make this change was the first step to all of the other changes that have happened since. 

Changes like sobriety, massive weight loss, removing myself from toxic situations and relationships, and coming back to who I was created to be. All things I will be going more into depth on in the very near future.

From there I ended up taking on another job out of financial necessity after my divorce, which ultimately did not work out. I know now that things worked out the way they did because I was on the wrong path. That is how I started my online business becoming a virtual assistant and online business manager which is what I am currently doing. 

But even THIS is not fulfilling my purpose. I just so happen to be really good at it!

In June of 2022, the idea of becoming a flight attendant was presented to me. I had NO CLUE what I was getting myself into, but I said “Sure, I’ll give it a shot and see what happens”. Little did I realize that this would send me into massive research, studying, and the most intense interview process including online assessments, zoom interviews, and flying all over the US to attend in-person, extremely intimidating, all-day hiring events. Months later I found myself with more rejections than offers but offers and decisions to make non the less. 

Headed to each of my Face-to-Face Interviews. To have made it this far for 5 of them was a huge accomplishment!

In the fall I made my decision and now the time has come for me to head to my 6-week training with what I believe is an airline that truly matches my lifestyle, values, and really just my overall vibe of life. I will be living in another state in a hotel for 6 weeks and have no clue where I will end up from there.

THIS is why this may be my last driving trip to Arizona for the foreseeable future. If all goes as planned, come mid-June my career will officially be as an inflight crew member. And the most beautiful thing of all is I believe this is the true reason that operating my own online business ever happened in the first place. When I am not 35,000 feet in the air, I will be on my laptop working from wherever life sends me at any particular moment. Truly living that laptop, digital nomad lifestyle. 

And even now I say might because nothing is guaranteed, and I still have to make it through a grueling 6-week training that is said to be harder than obtaining a college degree. I haven’t spoken openly because what if I don’t graduate? Everyone will know I failed. I didn’t want my failure to be in the public eye. 

And all of that my friends is what brought me full circle to my true passion, my purpose, which is sharing my story in hopes of helping others. That means the successes AND the failures. The good AND the bad. The beautiful AND the hard moments. While I still will be working in the virtual world, supporting the very few clients I feel completely aligned with and who support my journey fully, I will also be morphing my focus to becoming a life transformation mentor. 

A mentor is simply someone who has been there and done that. Someone who the previous version of themselves may be YOU now. The things I have learned over the years I did not learn in a classroom or an online course. I learned through trial and error, research and learning, and developing a way that things work for me. This is all a new journey for me and honestly, if you don’t know me yet, you may be wondering why I am someone who is qualified to be a mentor. 

I join you to follow along my journey. Get to know me as I share some of my past, a lot of my lessons learned, and even more about my present-day life and how I navigate all the things. I will be posting blogs regularly and sharing how we can get connected as things develop. All I ask in return is that if you know someone who may benefit from connecting with me, you share my blog with them as well. 

And so, if I fail, you will know. If I succeed, I will invite you to celebrate with me. One thing I do know for sure is that I have been fully trusting this path I am living. Praying and moving when I feel led to make a move, and also pause and be patient in the waiting. I do not believe I have come this far to only come this far. 


Deep conversations and hard realizations…


The Last Decade